Hair extensions
This popular salon procedure allows you to make a drastic change to your appearance, adding length and volume to your hair and concealing imperfections such as thinning areas and bald spots.

Types of hair extension techniques
There are various techniques for hair extensions available at our beauty salon, which can be broadly categorized as hot and cold methods.
The hot techniques, also known as the English and Italian methods, were developed by master hairdressers from Italy and England. In the English method, the hair extension specialist attaches the strands using hot resin, while in the Italian method, keratin is used. These substances are melted with the help of thermal tongs and then solidify to form transparent capsules. These capsules securely hold the base and extended strands together. On average, around 150 strands are required per person, and the procedure typically takes up to 3 hours.

Advantages of the hot capsule technique:
- You can walk with such hair for up to 3-4 months, after which correction is necessary.
- The attachment is almost invisible, so extensions can be done even on very thin hair.
- This method allows you to extend hair of any texture - from fine Slavic to silky Asian.
- Hair can be extended pointwise, i.e. only in places where it is necessary, for example, on the temples, bangs, and the back of the head.
- The strands are easy to comb and do not require special care recommendations.
Disadvantages of hot extensions:
- Your hair is exposed to the negative effects of high temperatures when it is heated with a curling iron.
- The strands attached to the capsules put a strain on the hair and can cause thinning.
- The method is not recommended for owners of oily hair type, as the capsules will be destroyed faster.
- The capsules should be protected from high temperatures (protect from direct sunlight, wear a cap in the sauna, use an iron or curling iron carefully) and sea water.
Cold extensions, including capsule extensions, are performed in the salon without heat treatment. This method is considered more gentle and therefore more popular among clients.
Cold hair extensions
Cold hair extensions offer three types of attachment: chemical (Hollywood method), glue (Spanish and tape techniques), and beads (Japanese technology).

Advantages of cold extensions in a beauty salon:
- Native strands are not exposed to thermal effects.
- The new curls look so natural that they are indistinguishable from your own.
- The hair can be styled, curled, curled, and even dyed.
- There are no restrictions on the use of cosmetic and care products. Hair can be washed with any shampoo, balms and masks can be applied to it, and conditioners can be used.
- Curls are not afraid of high temperatures, salt water and other negative environmental factors.
Cold extensions are particularly suitable for individuals with an oily scalp and are well-suited for blond hair. The main disadvantage of this service is the need for more frequent corrections, typically required every 2 months.
Hollywood hair extensions
Hollywood hair extensions were initially used in the film industry to provide actresses with long and beautiful hair for feature films. The technique involved attaching donor strands using adhesive tape, but this method had limitations as the strands were not suitable for combing and had to be removed at the end of the day. Over time, the technique was improved.
Later on, the strands started to be attached to small braids made of natural hair on the back of the head using tresses made of natural cotton threads.
In modern times, keratin capsules are often used as an alternative to tresses. Instead of using high temperatures, the capsules are melted using ultrasound, making the procedure safe and harmless to natural hair. The resulting curls look natural and can be styled and dyed.
However, there are restrictions on certain hairstyles, and this procedure can only be performed if the length of your own hair is at least 20 cm, as the joints may be visible on shorter strands. Additionally, this method may not be suitable for individuals with very thin hair.
The procedure typically takes 2-3 hours, and the hair extensions have a lifespan of approximately 6-8 months, with regular correction required every 1.5-2 months.

Ribbon hair extensions
Ribbon hair extensions are recommended by beauty salons for individuals who typically wear their hair down. This technique is considered the safest among all existing hair extension methods, as it does not involve the use of harsh chemicals or high temperatures. It can even be performed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Professional tape extensions can be applied to any hair type. With proper care and regular maintenance, the extensions can last up to 10-12 months. They can be styled, curled, and dyed. They are resistant to water and high temperatures, allowing the wearer to swim and visit saunas or steam rooms without concerns. The extensions distribute the weight evenly, minimizing the risk of hair loss. They can be easily removed whenever desired.
However, there are some drawbacks to this method:
- Certain hairstyles may be limited.
- Regular maintenance is required, typically every 2-3 months.
- It is not possible to dye the roots of regrown hair.
- Special care is needed to ensure the tapes remain securely attached.
The length is added using small-width ribbons, typically 4-6 cm wide. Donor strands are sandwiched between two adhesive tapes and attached to the natural hair. With this method, hair can be extended up to 60 cm in length. The tape method offers different techniques to accommodate the natural hair structure:
- Hair Talk (German method): Ribbons are 4 cm wide and suitable for short and thin hair. An average of 20 ribbons is required per person. Correction is needed after approximately 9 weeks, and the strands can be reused 4-6 times.
- Angelo Hair (Italian method): Ribbons are 3 cm wide and made of Slavic hair. They are lightweight, weighing only 1.5 g with a length of 50 cm, making them suitable for even the thinnest and weakest hair. Around 90 strands are needed per person. They do not have a length margin, so the final length will be about 10 cm shorter than the ribbons. Correction is typically required every 7-10 weeks, and the strands can be reattached up to 4 times.
- Microtapes: Ribbons are 0.5-1.5 cm wide and can be used even with very thin hair. At least 120 pieces are needed for an average volume of hair.
The timing of the correction depends on individual hair growth. For example, with Hair Talk technology, a correction is needed when the roots have grown by approximately 4-5 cm. With microtape extensions, correction is required at around 3 cm of root growth. The correction process involves removing the tapes with a special tool and reattaching them at a higher position. The procedure takes about 40-60 minutes.

What is the cost of hair extensions in PIED-DE-POULE?
We are proud to offer a clear and transparent price list at PIED-DE-POULE. Our prices are designed to reflect the high-class services and the extensive training of our staff while remaining affordable for a wide range of clients. Our goal is to provide premium services to a broad audience.
The cost of hair extensions may vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the task, the number and length of strands required, any additional services requested, such as haircuts and styling.
It's important to keep in mind that periodic adjustments will be necessary to maintain the extensions. The frequency of corrections is determined on an individual basis, but typically a second visit for correction should be scheduled within 1-3 months in advance.
Customer reviews
I adore PDP. I especially like hairdresser Yana who works in a salon located on Shota Rustaveli Street. After her great work my hair looks stunning and shiny. This is the best salon for me in all respects. There is always a cool atmosphere and friendly beauty experts.
I like styling and makeup in PDP. There is always a great atmosphere, I feel as at home. I also get a lot of compliments concerning my styling and makeup on different events. Of course, I always recommend PIED-DE-POULE beauty salon to all of my friends.
I have been regularly visiting PIED-DE-POULE for BRAE hair care for more than a year. Thanks to this procedure I grew health dreamed length of hair. I do styling more often than care. I like that different beauty experts work with me but I always get the same professional services.
I have been visiting this lovely beauty salon for a year already and I am extremely satisfied with service quality. These are the procedures I do on a regular basis! All the specialists always follow my requests! I especially adore a beauty expert whose name’s Maxim. He is just wonderful specialist! I am extremely thankful for the service quality.
I wish to express my gratitude to PIED-DE-POULE! The staff took into account all my wishes concerning the choice of hair color. The result was just wonderful! Also, I had a facial peeling and pedicure – all in all, I liked the service!
I have been a regular customer of the network of PIED-DE-POULE beauty salons for more than two years. I visit PDP on Shota Rustaveli most often as far as its location is convenient for me. Additionally, my favorite makeup artist, Ira, works there.
I visited PDP for the Balmain hair treatment (we tried to solve the problem of dry hair after lighting into blonde). Hairdresser’s name is Iia. She has told me about hair care and helped me to choose right products for my hair. I am really satisfied with her work. This “ritual” is my chance to grow length again after being blonde and having a bob).
PIED-DE-POULE beauty salon has been one of my favorite places in Kyiv for many years. I always choose and visit only this salon and I do not go to other places. There is always friendly atmosphere and professionalism of high-level. What is more, there is one significant point: if you come to PDP and you are hungry, the staff can offer you a menu with delicious and healthy food which can be delivered really fast!
I have been visiting PIED-DE-POULE for two years already and I am thrilled with the quality of the procedures, all the staff and communication. I like the possibility to always choose the most suitable time for me. Also, thanks to the salon, I never miss any new product of beauty industry and especially products for hair care as far as I enjoy them much!